System Integration

You want to create a new business, or change specialty, or increase sales and reduce IT costs?
All this is impossible without system integration.

Let’s Talk


Your business needs to get up-to-date information quickly, and a fragmented IT landscape is a serious obstacle to this.


Lack of coordination also makes it much more difficult to control the company's activities.

Time saving

If your information systems are integrated, you will save a lot of time on data migration, aggregation and analysis of information to make complex decisions.


Our company will help you understand the complex IT world and set up your business processes to work successfully and increase sales.

How IT Works

Infrastruktura informatyczna firmy obejmuje ogromną ilość różnych rodzajów aplikacji biznesowych i oprogramowań. Ułatwiają one pracę działów finansowych, HR, sprzedaży, produkcji czy magazynowania. By dowiedzieć się, dlaczego integracja systemów jest ważna dla Twojej firmy, zapoznaj się z poniższym filmem.

Build better business processes with Advanced Tech Experts

System integration is essential both for business-to-business communication and internal cooperation within an enterprise.
We are an iPaaS provider, and system integration is something we do on a daily basis.

Contact Us

About us

Our company has gathered a team of highly qualified specialists who are passionate about their business and constantly develop professionally.
They follow trends, changes and innovations in the field of IT and can’t imagine their life without it.
The company provides an individual approach to each client and will always help you find a solution in any business area, be it a way to integrate a large retailer or a small online store.








Our team can assist you in defining clear integration goals, make up a robust integration strategy and ensure its orderly implementation.

User Reviews

Nie musisz wierzyć nam na słowo, ale uwierz im.

“They’re a really professional group that offers many kinds of services.”

Good customer service

Bogusław Jankowski


“They were very attentive and took the time to understand our business in detail. We were sure we would be satisfied”

Excellent product

Halina Szczepańska

Marketing Manager

“I even envied the enthusiasm of the guys. They do love their work, you can see that. And the result is impressive. Thanks!”

Good result

Jerzy Michalik


“Everything was done efficiently and quickly”

Budget friendly

Szymon Kwiecień


Get in touch

You are planning new IT or web design solutions for your business.

And you need a qualified team, don’t you?

Write a message to us right now.

Let’s talk and see what we can do for you.

Address: UL. ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKA 12/311, 30-015 KRAKÓW

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